Tuesday 10 March 2020

Why Choose Insignia Braces For Your Crooked Smile?

Your smile is just like your fingerprints - unique. No one else will have that. Hence, it is essential to protect your smile and, of course, your teeth too. Having crooked or misaligned teeth can negatively affect the beauty of your smile. Most often, experts will recommend dental braces or clear aligners and other orthodontic equipment as a remedy for this problem. Having too many choices can put patients in a dilemma about what to choose? 

If you want orthodontic treatment, but clear plastic aligners aren't suitable for what you need,  Insignia Smile Design or Braces is the best choice. Compared to the traditional fixed, metallic, and wired braces, the brackets used as part of the Insignia system are much smaller, making them less noticeable yet just as effective.

What is the Insignia Smile design?

Insignia Smile Design is a procedure that uses a state of the art imaging software to create a 3-D portrayal of your future smile. Using this method insignia measures the exact curvature and width of your smile. Based on this measure, insignia braces are prepared to suit your face shape and the movement of your teeth needed to achieve it.

How does it work?

Insignia treatment is an individualized, interactive process that begins with collecting the impression of your teeth. These precisely taken impressions are then sent to the smile design lab. After preparing a 3D representation of your bite is made using highly sophisticated imaging software. The experts will customize wires and brackets precisely that can affect your tooth movement in the most optimal way. 

What are the benefits?
  •  Cost-effective method
  •  Patients can have a preview of the results even before starting treatment
  •  More comfortable smaller brackets
  •  Great results compared to traditional methods
  •  The very discreet, yet effective, treatment option
Insignia braces are the right choice for those patients who would like a discreet treatment option. Compared to the traditional metal braces, Insignia braces provide excellent results while being more comfortable and less noticeable than other metal braces. 

The duration of the treatment varies depending on the individual patient's needs. If you are searching the right place to correct your crooked smile, book an appointment with the team at Smile Architect Centre for Dental & Invisible Braces today.

Blog reviewed by: DR.GIRISH P.V
Mail us: smilearchitectbangalore@gmail.com

Thursday 2 January 2020

Arch Over Heart And Nap

Sleep could either be partially or completely disturbed or blocked due to problems with breathing. This condition develops due to the blockage or narrowing of the upper airway during sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea differs for adults and children with the changes in their behavior. Children tend to have more behavioral problems as adenoids and tonsils get enlarged. It is better to get early diagnosis and treatment to prevent complications that would affect the child’s growth, cognitive development, and behavior.


Obstructive sleep apnea in children would show certain signs such as:
  • Snoring
  • Restless sleep
  • Breathing through mouth 
  • Pauses while breathing 
  • Wetting the bed 
  • Sleep terrors 
  • Coughing or choking 

Cardiovascular consequences 

When obstructive sleep apnea is left untreated, it could lead to several cardiovascular problems. OSA can cause high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation), slow heart rate (bradycardia), coronary heart disease, and heart failure. When obstructive sleep apnea is left untreated, then the oxygen levels would drop during sleep, damaging blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. This drop-in oxygen level would cause the heart rate to change, causing blood pressure to go up. 

Severe obstructive sleep apnea would lead to stress, which in turn causes the heart to enlarge. An enlarged heart cannot pump the regular way. The body and heart would not be unable to receive sufficient oxygen as the oxygen levels will also drop. 

Coronary artery disease or hardening of the arteries occurs because the small blood vessels become narrow. These small vessels supply blood and oxygen to the heart. Narrowed coronary arteries would cause cardiac arrest and heart damage. Untreated OSA can lead to heart attacks and heart failures in the future, as chances are higher when left untreated.

Medical care 

Treating obstructive sleep apnea can prevent or improve heart problems. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is a device used to treat OSA, and this is one of the most common devices used for the same. This would help control the symptoms of OSA and prevent or control the heart-related problems associated with sleep apnea that are often considered as severe and life-limiting.

At Smile Architect Center for Dental & Invisible Braces, the doctor helps to identify the problem on time and prevents or improves the problems caused due to obstructive sleep apnea in children.

Blog reviewed by: DR.GIRISH P.V
Mail us: smilearchitectbangalore@gmail.com