Thursday 14 November 2019

How long does it take to straighten your teeth withn clear aligners ?

It depends, would be the honest answer, as every person is different. However, twelve months is about average.

Clear Aligners

We all know what tooth braces are; ugly, metallic things, that make life hideous for the wearer. But, it need not be so, as more and more people are having success with clear orthodontic devices called "aligners." What is the difference? Braces use metal brackets that are interconnected with wires that gently push teeth in a particular direction. Aligners, however, are a series of tight-fitting mouth pieces that slip over the teeth. Many of them are custom fitted and as they are clear they are often called Invisible Aligners.

They however are not for everyone. Special care must be taken with children as both their bone structure and teeth are changing. Best to consult with a specialist. They are commonly used on patients with mild to moderately crowded teeth or minor spacing issues. Severe spacing problems may need complex and more specialised treatment.

How does it work?

After a thorough examination, the orthodontist will make a plan to correct the patient's bite by actually moving the teeth. For this the patient will be, over period of time, fitted with clear aligners, that will move the teeth. They are made of clear plastic, that fit tightly over the teeth and can be removed by the patient for eating and brushing.

Clear Aligners

How long will it take?

This depends on how much the teeth need to be moved or are crooked; how much off the bite is. It usually takes 10 to 24 months, depending on the patient. However, as they are not as precise as metal braces, small adjustments over a period of time may be necessary.

Blog reviewed by: DR.GIRISH P.V
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1 comment:

  1. Orthodontic teeth aligners
    Transparent removable trays designed to straighten your teeth. Custom aligners created using 3D computer imaging technology.
